Meet the Owner: Joshua Lamothe
I call myself a web developer but I am more than that. My purpose is to assist others as they step out of the 9-5 and into their bliss. To guide them into presenting themselves as a business in a way where they can be connected to their passion and proudIy tell others. I believe that being an individual entrepreneur with a captivating personal brand is the lifestyle of the future.
Using the power of the modern web, I assist clients in developing online platforms and systems to better share their business, organization or project with others. In developing a unique Theme, together we express your business’ online personality, your Virtual Self.
I have been following my bliss as an individual entrepreneur for almost 10 years. I have grown from my leaving my employer and fearfully stepping into something new, through my first paying client and into a full service company which supports dozens of clients in varying industries, handling every aspect of their web presence. I understand the experience of a solo-entrepreneur becuase I am one.
As a new father of an adopted child, I enjoy as much family time as I can get doing just about anything outdoors. My wife is a Zumbini Instructor and together we teach self expression and confidence to 0-4 year olds through music and dance programs. We love to travel and know that the work we do makes a difference in the lives of our family, friends and clients.